I wonder why this decoy duck is so popular? Previous ducklings have taken a liking to it and these two have had great fun climbing on and off it. Over the last seven days we've watched these two grow and were just beginning to feel optimistic about their survival until one went missing yesterday. So far we've only seen four Taggs Island ducklings survive this season! In fact, most of the water birds have had a bad breeding season. No baby coots have survived on the Molesey side of the river so far, the cygnets are down from five to two, the great crested grebe has only one youngster remaining and there's only one baby moorhen. Most of the deaths are through predation but the wash from boats has wiped out three coots' nests and all the eggs. Once again the Canada geese have proved themselves to be the best survivors!

Bidou is still with us and is a popular attraction on this stretch of the river. Lovely though she is some of us think that she must be lonely without a mate. She has such a haunting and pathetic call at times, especially when she is being chased by the mute swans with their cygnets. Yesterday, the dominant male mute swan caught Bidou unawares as she grazed for weed with her head underwater. She managed to escape but lost several tail feathers during the encounter.

A male mandarin duck shows off his magnificent plumage in one of my plant pots. He has taken to grubbing around under the flowers for tasty bugs and regularly vandalizes the plants, tearing off flowers and stems from the main plants with his sharp beak!

This male mandarin duck and his partner have developed a taste for peanuts and are regular visitors to the bird table. The female prefers to feed from the lower tray and sometimes her balancing act makes us laugh out loud.

Last year I had loads of figs and only had to contend with the starlings for the ripe ones but this year the parakeets have come mob handed and are already attacking the unripe fruits.
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