This year the dominant swans have done well again, hatching seven cygnets and, so far, managing to raise them all. The previous dominant pair were hopeless parents, taking their newly hatched cygnets over the weir several years running. Those the heron didn't help itself to, the dominant swans on the lower stretch of the river attacked and killed.

The woodpeckers also reared at least one youngster though it was almost as big as its parents when I last saw it accept food from them at the nest entrance. The tell tale signs of nest building could be seen at the base of the sycamore tree! Over the last few days we've heard and seen the parents flying to and fro with beak-fulls of insects and we've spotted at least one youngster. Our neighbour, Chris, managed to take the lovely image of one of the adults at the nest.

We get three or four pairs of mandarin ducks at the moment and this 'spare' male did his best to persuade one of the females to abandon her partner. Somehow his pose didn't quite do it for us either - not so much dashing as daft!

Silverduck managed to shake off some of the marauding males that lie in wait to attack the female ducks when they turn up to feed and she had a good five minutes to herself in our pond.
Our neighbours, Sue and Peter, successfully released the three ducklings we helped rescue and they are now part of a larger family. Sue and Peter's own 'mother duck' adopted several ducklings and then our three, and is now the proud mother of eleven ducklings. We sometimes see them all on Duck Ait, an island just upstream from us, where they separate into distinct groupings. Our three tend to stay together slightly apart from the others and there's always one duckling that doesn't snuggle up with the rest.
The pair of pochards never brought any youngsters to visit so I assume they were taken by predators. We were surprised to see another male turn up the other day, much to the annoyance of Madame, who did her best to see him off. Her mate didn't seem too bothered by the intruder, however.
We finally found out for sure that it's the magpie that has been raiding the nest boxes. When the ducks aren't there it's been dragging out the straw and pecking into the eggs. Poor Goldeneye lost four eggs to this remarkably intelligent thief and has been guarding her nest for most of the day for the past few days. Last night we heard a commotion and Goldeneye fled her nest and squawked for ages nearby. Dave saw something slope off down the deck at speed in the dark but he was unable to identify whether it was a fox or not. The eggs were still all there this morning but we've seen no sign of Goldeneye. We're sure she survived the attack but she may have abandoned her eggs (again). Like Mrs. Speckles before her she's been regularly attacked by males while occupying this nest box. On the subject of Mrs. Speckles, we haven't seen her for at least 10 days and I'm concerned that she might been attacked once too often! I just hope she hasn't drowned.
Our neighbours, Sue and Peter, successfully released the three ducklings we helped rescue and they are now part of a larger family. Sue and Peter's own 'mother duck' adopted several ducklings and then our three, and is now the proud mother of eleven ducklings. We sometimes see them all on Duck Ait, an island just upstream from us, where they separate into distinct groupings. Our three tend to stay together slightly apart from the others and there's always one duckling that doesn't snuggle up with the rest.
The pair of pochards never brought any youngsters to visit so I assume they were taken by predators. We were surprised to see another male turn up the other day, much to the annoyance of Madame, who did her best to see him off. Her mate didn't seem too bothered by the intruder, however.
We finally found out for sure that it's the magpie that has been raiding the nest boxes. When the ducks aren't there it's been dragging out the straw and pecking into the eggs. Poor Goldeneye lost four eggs to this remarkably intelligent thief and has been guarding her nest for most of the day for the past few days. Last night we heard a commotion and Goldeneye fled her nest and squawked for ages nearby. Dave saw something slope off down the deck at speed in the dark but he was unable to identify whether it was a fox or not. The eggs were still all there this morning but we've seen no sign of Goldeneye. We're sure she survived the attack but she may have abandoned her eggs (again). Like Mrs. Speckles before her she's been regularly attacked by males while occupying this nest box. On the subject of Mrs. Speckles, we haven't seen her for at least 10 days and I'm concerned that she might been attacked once too often! I just hope she hasn't drowned.

The chives have been magnificent this year and attract a large number of bees. I'm glad to see plenty of bees in the garden; I do my best to make the garden bee and butterfly friendly and never use chemicals.

The scent of roses and syringa (mock orange blossom) fills the air as one walks down the garden path. Red cabbages grow amongst the flowers in this part of the garden. Elsewhere there are beans, peas, carrots, radishes, chard, lettuces, tomatoes, potatoes and herbs. The soft fruit is looking good, too, and the cherry and fig trees have a healthy crop. The biggest surprise, though, is the size of the strawberries. I've never seen such massive fruits in my garden.